Booking information

Grade Booster Cinema+Digital #

The price per student is £35 (+VAT) which includes attendance at one cinema workshop and an enrolment on the supporting on-demand course. This online course will be used to provide additional support and resources to cinema workshop attendees in the run-up to, and during the exams in May/June 2023.

Students attending a cinema workshop will also receive a 40% one-time discount code to use on any tutor2u printed resources, enabling them to make a significant saving on essential revision aids such as workbooks, study books and flashcard packs.

Grade Booster Digital Only #

The price per student is £25 (+VAT) which includes an enrolment on the supporting on-demand course, including the additional support and resources provided in the run-up to, and during the exams in May/June 2023.

Upgrades for Existing Grade Booster Digital Users #

If you have purchased a relevant Grade Booster Digital course since 1st August 2022, you can upgrade to Grade Booster Cinema+Digital for £10 (+VAT).

Strong Foundations Cinema Only #

The price per student is £30 (+VAT) which includes attendance at one cinema workshop and a supporting resource pack. This course is aimed at students sitting exams in May/June 2023.

Students attending a cinema workshop will also receive a 40% one-time discount code to use on any tutor2u printed resources, enabling attending students to make a significant saving on essential revision aids such as workbooks, study books and flashcard packs.

Confirmed Bookings Only #

Bookings for our cinema workshops will be made on confirmed booking basis only. We will not be offering provisional bookings.

Please note: no changes will be permitted to confirmed bookings once made.

Refunds and Cancellations #

No refunds will be made in the event of non-attendance or cancelled bookings once made.

If a cinema workshop is unable to proceed due to, for example, the reintroduction of COVID-19 restrictions, then a refund of £5 per place will be offered. In such circumstances, our subject teams will deliver the live streamed versions of the cinema sessions to each on-demand course and these sessions will also be available to students to access, without restriction, on a catchup / replay basis.

Teacher Places and Teacher Lunches #

In order to maximise the places available to students taking exams in 2023 we are, unfortunately, unable to offer free teacher places at our cinema workshops this year. However, teachers may attend with their students at the full student price and will also receive the 40% resource discount code, enabling them to make substantial savings on bulk orders for tutor2u printed resources for all their students.

We regret that, due to restrictions placed by COVID-19 protocols at our cinema workshops, we are unable to provide teacher lunches for this series of workshops.

Enrolment Codes for On-demand Courses #

Once a booking has been made, an enrolment code will be sent to individual student bookings and to the named teacher contact for group bookings. This enrolment code is used to redeem a place on the relevant on-demand course. There is no time limit on the course enrolment.

COVID-19 Compliance #

Our workshops are run at modern cinema venues and we will follow all the relevant Public Health COVID-19 regulations and protocols put in place by our cinema hosts at the time of each event. Our cinema partners Vue Entertainment, Cineworld and Odeon are responsible for the wellbeing of all attendees at the cinema workshops and will inform us of any specific arrangements for attendees at each venue. We will pass this onto all those with a workshop booking.

Find Out More

Is there something else you'd like to know about our student workshops? Try finding the answer in our common workshop FAQs. But if you have any other questions, feel free to email and we'll do our best to answer them!

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