Labour’s Brexit Conundrum
What should Keir Starmer's stance be on Brexit as the next General Election comes into view and the Labour Party enjoy significant leads in opinion polls?
The End of “Elective Dictatorships”?
The extraordinary events of the last month have provided yet another example of perhaps the most striking feature of UK politics over the last six years: the eroding power Westminster governments...
The real PMQs
In one of our online lessons this week we have been examining the effectiveness of the UK Parliament in carrying out its role as a check on the executive, emphasising the massive importance of the...
Influence of the Media - the Growing Power of Memes
The June 2017 General Election in the UK and the 2016 US Presidential Election demonstrated the growing use and influence of memes on political discussion and engagement.
Executive Orders - Explained
A super 4 minute new TED video here explains the use of Executive Orders.
A Brief History of the Conservative Party from Dan Snow
This short video from historian Dan Snow provides a useful summary of the development of the Conservative Party up to 2015.
There are more than 700 monuments to the Confederacy across the US and in many cities they are starting to take them down.
Explained: How the USA Became a Superpower in 200 Years
A terrific video here that explains the key stages in the development of the USA as a "superpower". Ideal for students covering topic 4.2 in Edexcel's Global Politics option.
Explaining the Middle Eastern "Cold War"
A very useful lesson resource here for global politics.
Rogue States: Kim Jong-un’s Leadership Approach in North Korea
A useful short video introduction here from the New York Times explaining the leadership style of Kim Jong-un.
Executive Orders Explained
Many students will be looking at the torrent of executive orders flowing from the pen of the newly-installed President. This FT video explains what they are how they have been used in US political...
Additional Member System Explained
In the last instalment of the Electoral System series we have the Additional Member System.
Single Transferable Vote Explained
Up next in our Electoral Systems series is the Single Transferable vote.
Alternative Vote Explained
Next in the Electoral Systems series is that of the Alternative Vote. This is the electoral system that Britain held a referendum on in 2011.
First Past The Post Explained
It is getting to that time of year, when students of A Level Politics begin to look at Electoral Systems. So to help you along here is a nice video explaining first past the post as an electoral...
How the US elects its president
Here is a new short video from the Financial Times explaining how the United States elects its president.
Article 50 Explained
We'll all be hearing much about "Article 50" over the coming days and weeks as various leadership campaigns are played out. But what is "Article 50"?
Videos on US Politics
If you're in need a quick recap of the key parts of American Politics then look no further. These videos created by Youtuber Es_Einsteinium who has taken a break from science to dabble in Political...
How Powerful is the UK in Europe?
There has been a debate raging about just how powerful the UK actually is in Europe. Is the UK powerful in just one institution or both the major players, the Council and European Parliament?
Showing 1 to 20 of 37 results