As the cost of living and energy crisis continues, a new study suggests that cold homes increase the risk of severe mental ill health.

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BPD symptoms include emotional instability, impulsive behaviour and intense but unstable relationships with others. It’s often misdiagnosed. Rosie tells her story.

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Norovirus, also known as winter vomiting bug, is a very unpleasant stomach bug that can make vulnerable populations very ill and each year closes hospitals and care homes to visitors.

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Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by eating or drinking food or water that is contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Cholera remains a global threat to public health and is...

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The use of 3D bioprinted cartilage for people with muscle conditions is being explored. This could eventually lead to entire 3D printed organs, such as the heart!

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Researchers at the University of Manchester used cotton swabs to take sebum samples from the skin of participants which were then analysed via mass spectrometry.

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Two recent studies have suggested that Black people are more likely to develop dementia.

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Recent research has suggested that cancer in the under 50s is rising globally. The Conversation suggests five ways that people in their 20s and 30s can reduce their cancer risk.

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The BBC have reported on a school in Wales that has been paying for electricity, food, trainers and even a bed for pupils' families struggling with rising bills.

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Did you know that people with a learning disability are more than twice as likely to die from avoidable causes than the rest of the population?

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The UKHSA and ONS have jointly authored a report on excess deaths due to the heatwaves we experienced this summer.

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There is increasing concern about the funding of social care in England, on the back of Liz Truss's government scrapping the health and social care levy.

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Last week the BBC reported on the successful use of a 'stem cell patch' to repair spina bifida in babies in-utero (inside the uterus, before birth).

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12th October 2022

Online Safety Bill

A recent inquest found that social media material contributed to the suicide of Molly Russell in 2017. Her father says there should be no further delay to an Online Safety Bill.

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Ellie Simmonds is making a huge impact on the representation of different body types on mainstream TV.

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BBC Panorama has revealed shocking treatment of individuals at one of the UKs largest mental health hospitals.

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Results of a recent survey showed that that 54% of UK-based pharmacists said medicines shortages have put patients at risk in the past six months. Why are we so short on medication?

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Australia and other parts of the southern hemisphere have seen the most 'rampant' flu season during their winter for years. Experts are warning the same could happen in the UK.

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Gum disease is a common chronic health condition. Did you know it is linked to many serious diseases?

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At the end of September preliminary results of a phase 3 trial into the drug lecanemab were published, showing a slowing of pace in cognitive decline of individuals living with Alzheimer's.

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