Should 'Corona cycleways' become the new post-confinement commute? [Year 13 Enrichment Task]
17th June 2020
The enrichment task for Year 13 students this week suggests a look ahead at how life might be in the 'new normal' - focusing on how we will travel to school and work. In the UK, it is now mandatory to wear a mask if travelling on public transport - and use of public transport remains officially discouraged, for anyone who can avoid doing so.
There has been a massive increase in the use of bicycles to travel during lockdown, not only in the UK but across much of Europe as well. This begs the question of whether we are at the start of a permanent shift in how people choose to travel, and how government policy could now be directed towards encouraging people to use cycles. Hence, this week's question: Should 'Corona cycleways' become the new post-confinement commute?
The document that can be opened from the link below contains a range of sources which could be used to help answer this question, but there are plenty of other sources available which can be added to those. Your report should include a list of sources that you use, as well as some comment on which were the most useful, which were less (or even not) useful to your work, and why.
Yr 13 10 Should Corona Cycleways Become The New Post Confinement Commute
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