Teaching activity
Politics Interview Questions
I have been doing some interview practice with a group of Politics students and I thought it would be interesting to share some of the questions posed to them which elicited some fascinating...
Flipped classroom: collective responsibility
Excellent resource from the Institute for Government
Truss's First Cabinet | Multiple Choice Quiz
Here's a quickfire 10-question multiple choice quiz to try on Liz Truss's first cabinet!
House of Lords - Controversy over the Early of Shrewsbury
The House of Lords is a topic that just keeps on giving. I can't think of one where I have had to add so many examples to my teaching notes.
Here's a free news-based activity that teachers can use for new or returning politics students.
Resources on the UK executive and legislature
Great CPD for teachers, or Politics students looking for an A*
Great resource from the civil liberties interest group
Lesson idea on Ukraine for global politics - with synopticity
Watched a great lesson this morning by one of my colleagues, Mr Martin
Good video from Ch4 on the House of Lords
Not brand new, but I've just found it
Useful Biden article - and other sources
Just posted on the BBC website, with charts and analysis. Plus, introducing PolitiFact
Festive Quiz Pack 2021 for A-Level Politics
Here are two subject-specific PowerPoint-based quizzes to use in the last few days of a challenging term! Each quiz uses a set of our ever-popular livestream activities all packaged up in a festive...
American decline discussion for Oxbridge prep using the Harkness Method
I've just conducted another Oxbridge tutorial session via this method
I would strongly encourage all A Level students to watch it. It comes with the important caveat emptor, that is does contain some strong language.
Refresher activity for Y13 on British Politics
I think the science points to actively revisiting the Y12 element of the linear A Level, so here is an activity that might be worthwhile
A plug for BBC's Newsnight
Intelligent programming for developing syllabus knowledge and beyond
Excellent resource on UK politics - free!
I may be teaching the proverbial grandmother to suck eggs here?
Cabinet Confidential
The best documentary on PM and Cabinet - essential viewing
Showing 1 to 20 of 109 results